Newlands Big Fat Box League

Newlands Big Fat Box League

Posted on 23rd Sep 2016, 12:00am

Thanks everyone for taking part in our Big Fat Newlands Box League and to those who chipped in a few bucks to make it interesting. It seems this format is pretty ok for Summer league squash so we might do some more in the future, with a variation or two...maybe reintroduce the three-way thing again.....:). As always I am open to suggestions to tweak the rules to make the format fun and of course favour your particular needs. So if you don’t come up with ideas you will have to put up with me and my shiite.

As you all likely know our squash Eveready Bunny Kevin Lahay (or is it LaHay?) earned top honours this round by making it to the top and fending of late charges by some to win the latest box round. So it is only fitting that we reward success with the top prize. Kevin gets $50 ($45 net after deductions for administration expenses

Second place gets diddlysquat, but second prize again goes to the most improved player over the box round… in this case it is Justin Currie. Justin was edged out of this distinguished position last round by Kalem Marchand but continued his romp up the point ladder. Justin now sits 140 points higher than he was in April. This is a lot more impressive than most of our point totals…mine included. Hopefully Justin doesn’t cough up that other lung over the next months in his eagerness to smack the ball one more time
and if he keeps popping those Ricola wrapped drugs after every game, we are going to introduce drug testing….real drug testing,,,no Russians. Justin was away during the awards presentation so we spent all of his money, $25 (more administration expenses). I am sure that will get sorted in time...good job Justin!

That’s it for Box League for this summer. Hope you all have a great season through League.




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